Built-in output attenuation mechanism. When the switch is turned off, the demagnetizing ability is automatically attenuated by the internal circuit, so there is no need to keep this unit away.
1. Trace the front of the CRT / TV near the demagnetization screen while pressing the switch.
2. Demagnetizing small parts Press the switch for a few seconds at the part you want to demagnetize.
3.Demagnetizing on the demagnetizing mold of the mold (can be placed horizontally)
4. Demagnetize the tool. Press the switch for a few seconds in the direction you want to demagnetize.
Rated Current (A): 0.45 (220V) /0.43 (230V) /0.41 (240V) (when stable)
Power Cable (m): 1.9
Power Consumption (W): 12 (when stable)
Outer dimensions, Width W x Height H x Depth D (mm): 34 × 59 × 216
Maximum Magnetic Flux Density: 68mT (220V) / 74mT (230V) / 76mT (240V)
Mass (g): 930
Power Supply: AC220V / 230V / 240V 50Hz